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semap indicator points

semap indicator points

PDF Chapter 5 BRIEFINGS AND VOUCHER ISSUANCE INTRODUCTION points out of the possible 145 SEMAP points to receive a standard rating for FY 2006-2007. submit a self-certification of SEMAP indicators within 60 days after the end of the YCH fiscal year of June 30, 2018. SEMAP helps HUD target monitoring and assistance to PHA programs that need the most improvement. 21. Indicator Proposed points What does it measure /possible sub indicators Proposed sub indicator scoring Financial Condition : 26 Measure admin fee account & any other funds used to cover admin costs . How to maximize your agency's HCV performance rating: Tip #3 SEMAP Indicator. w MTCS SEMAP Indicators Report shows the percent of all families with tenant rent discrepancies. HUD will prepare a SEMAP profile for each PHA . Compliance with requirements, ensuring maximum points under SEMAP Indicator: Lease-up, working to maximize agency revenue—NMA has the experience and know-how to help you succeed. PDF Your Money at Work - Nan McKay The HA is certifying a total of 140 points out of the 140 points possible for fiscal year 2012/2013. SEMAP profile means a summary pre-pared by HUD of an PHA's ratings on each SEMAP indicator, its overall SEMAP score, and its overall perform-ance rating (high performer, standard, troubled). PDF HOUSING COMMISSION AGENDA Special Meeting: October 2, 2019 ... SEMAP indicators and point values are listed below: - Must be 2 percent or fewer discrepancies for 5 points. Document Implementation of Procedures 3. included in the briefing packet in order to receive full points under SEMAP Indicator 7, Expanding Housing Opportunities [24 CFR 985.3(g)]: • Maps showing areas with housing opportunities outside areas of poverty or minority concentration, both within its jurisdiction and its neighboring jurisdiction Indicator #5. 22% Please see the below graph, which shows issued vouchers and associated leasing, as well as the total program UMLs, which takes into account program attrition: 35% Leased in 5% 14% HQS Quality Control Inspections Failure to correct may lead to required Corrective Action Plan (CAP) A PHA that expends less than $300,000 in Federal awards and whose Section 8 programs are not Indicator #4. MHA Response: 2018 SEMAP Universe for above Indicators are as follows: Indicator 1 - New Admission Universe FY 2018: 145 SEMAP rating consists of fourteen separate performance indicators plus a Bonus Indicator. 15 Deconcentration Bonus-5 points N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 0 5 5 0 Total SEMAP Score 135 130 130 130 140 145 143 150 150 150 145 145 145 150 145 150 150 145 Required Actions for Any Failed SEMAP Indicators. SEMAP Scoring •145 possible points plus 5 bonus points •High Performer = 90%+ •Standard Performer = 60% - 89% •Troubled Agency = below 60% • HUD steps in and takes over SEMAP Rating •Metro HRA 2015 SEMAP Results • 145/145 possible points = High Performer •Metro HRA High Performer for 12 years • Accurate and timely rent calculations Determination of Adjusted Income • The auditor will select the files to be reviewed. Scores for Indicators 9-14 on the attached SEMAP Certification This part describes what the SEMAP scores represent, how they are established, and how those scores affect a PHA. All aspects of the program involve certain types of recordkeeping. & Urban Dev., Housing Choice Voucher Guidebook, 10.1 (April 2001). The file reviews determine how many points your agency earns for each of the indicators, and the certification is subject to review by your auditor and by HUD. The workshop will include indicator descriptions, scoring, quality control and verification methods. performance indicators: Indicator Indicator HQS Qualit Control Points Please take the necessary corrective action to ensure compliance with program rules. However, adding additional health-related SEMAP factors 5 U.S. Dep't of Hous. Bring NMA to you. Advised to so when Agency is aware of '0' score on any indicator. Required The Voucher Management System (VMS) was mandated Once approved by the Housing Commission, the . SEMAP Score - this waiver would allow PHAs with a fiscal year ending in 3/31/22, 6/30/22. This section states the performance indicators that are used to assess PHA Section 8 management. SEMAP deficiency means any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP performance indicator. Scores for Indicators 1-8 on the attached SEMAP Certification form are based upon HACCC's internal review and an external review conducted by a consultant. Utility Allowance Schedule • A copy of the utility allowance schedules for the last two fiscal years (i.e., the one being audited and one prior). SEMAP deficiency means any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP performance indicator. 145 points (or 150 points with the addition of 5 bonus points for eligible jurisdictions). SEMAP Measures the number enrolled Percent of slots filled Measures the extent of progress (escrow accounts) Percent of families with escrow accounts 10-Points Maximum for the Indicator 3/31/2019 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development 6 SEMAP (continued) If the PHA has filled 80 percent or more of its Indicators 8 through 15 can be monitored remotely. SEMAP Tracking Resources. 145 points (or 150 points with the addition of 5 bonus points for eligible jurisdictions). The quality of your inspections and rent reasonableness determines your scores on five of SEMAP's fourteen indicators - 50 potential SEMAP points. included in the briefing packet in order to receive full points under SEMAP Indicator 7, Expanding Housing Opportunities [24 CFR 985.3(g)]. that HACA lost a few points in a few of the SEMAP indicators and described the challenges that attributed to the loss of points. Program (SEMAP). If your PHA scores below 60 in any one indicator, you will be designated as a substandard performer. First, the SEMAP indicator creates a conjunctive test which the LHA must certify has been met. HUD will annually assign each PHA a rating on each of the 14 indicators and an overall performance rating of high, standard, or troubled. This Physical Needs Assessment (PNA) was commissioned to assist the GDPM in creating a long-term strategic plan for the agency. The regulation us-es the word "and." The local LHA must Must send HUD a written report of how deficiency will be corrected. Must also ensure the PHA scores its points under the SEMAP indicator: Lease-up PHA is scored on whichever is greater: % of UMAs leased, or % of HAP expended During the calendar year (not fiscal year) 98% (of either) earns the maximum 20 points Maintaining Financial Stability PHAs must proactively manage funding Similar to current SEMAP indicator 10 points - fewer than 5% more than 2 months overdue; 5 points - 5-10% more than 2 months overdue; 0 points - more than 10% more than 2 months overdue; Possible incentives The maximum number of incentive points awarded to a PHA is 10, although the PHA may not be eligible to earn all incentive points. Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) The Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) measures the performance of the public housing agencies (PHAs) that administer the Housing Choice Voucher program in 14 key areas. & Urban Dev., SEMAP Fact Sheet, (April 25, 2002), available at AMPs may be eligible for a Physical Condition & Neighborhood Environment (PCNE) score adjust­ ment. this interim rule provides that a pha's performance under the semap indicator will be measured by: (1) taking the unit months under hap contract, as shown on the pha's last year-end operating statement recorded in hudcaps (the hud accounting system); and (2) dividing by the number of unit months available for leasing, based on the number of … The SEMAP indicators and point values are listed Below: AHFC uses HUD's Section Eight Management Assessment Program SEMAP) rating as its benchmark. 1st 7 SEMAP Indicators Selection from Waiting List* 15 Reasonable Rent* 20 Determination of Adjusted Income* 20 Utility Allowance Schedule 5 HQS Quality Control Inspections* 5 HQS Enforcement* 10 Expanding Housing Opportunities 5 *indicates PHA audit needed Size of Universe Size of Universe Selection from the Waiting List Where the universe is: This indicator covers calculation of annual and adjusted income, compliance with verification requirements, and calculation of the utility allowance. SEMAP profile means a summary prepared by HUD of an PHA's ratings on each SEMAP indicator, its overall SEMAP score, and its overall performance rating (high performer, standard, troubled). Recommended Action: Approve the attached SEMAP Certification to be submitted to HUD. The following are your scores on each indicator: Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator __ Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator . HQS Inspections are indicators 5, 6, 11, and 12 of SEMAP and account for roughly one-third of all possible points. 32 12. SEMAP Indicator 3, Determination of Adjusted Income, is one of only three indicators worth 20 points. The importance of proper HQS inspections is critical, according to Evans. • Maps showing areas with housing opportunities outside areas of poverty or minority concentration, both within its jurisdiction and its neighboring jurisdiction. [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999] This is problematic because the indicator at 24 CFR 985.3(o), /3/ which corresponds to items 14a and 14b of the SEMAP Certification, awards a PHA a rating ranging from zero to ten points based on . SEMAP includes 14 program indicators and one bonus indicator to measure The following lists the indicators and the maximum available points along with a comparison of the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO)'s FY 2018 and FY 2019 scores: Max Points FY . • Maps showing areas with housing opportunities outside areas of poverty or minority concentration, both within its jurisdiction and its neighboring jurisdiction. SEMAP Scoring Less Than 95% 95% -97% 98% or More 15 points 0 Points 20 points It is not possible to reach high performer status if 0 points are received on this indicator. Cross References: SEMAP, project-based, inspections . Why Does VMS Exist? "If you lose all of the points in HQS, it's impossible to be a High Performer. SEMAP profile means a summary prepared by HUD of an PHA's ratings on each SEMAP indicator, its overall SEMAP score, and its overall performance rating (high performer, standard, troubled). If the HUD verification method for the indicator relies on data in . Additionally, AMPs located in neighborhoods with 40% or more families living below the poverty line are eligible for a 1-point The indicators of performance show whether PHAs help eligible families afford decent . Your overall performance rating is a "High Performer". Created by HUD to evaluate the overall performance of housing authorities in an objective, uniform, and verifiable manner, PHAS is a rating and scoring tool that reviews four areas referred to as PHAS indicators—an agency's physical condition, financial condition, management operations, and capital fund. Ms. Cado described the key performance indicators that are used in SEMAP to measure HAA's performance in the administration of the Section 8 program. It is important to note the multiple aspects of the SEMAP utility allowance indicator. SEMAP deficiency means any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP performance indicator. The SEMAP certification is a combination of Indicators where BHA conducts random quality control checks and provides the data (Indicators 1 - 8 and the deconcentration of povery "bonus") and 4 Indicators that HUD scores based on data In the "PIC" system, Including information on Learn More the higher of this year's leased units (93.7%) or dollars (90.3%) is 93.7%, indicating no leasing indicator points in SEMAP. the electronic submission of the SEMAP certification. Metropolitan PHAs will also be able to earn bonus points for their achievements . Under current regulations at 24 CFR part 985, the SEMAP Certification form (HUD-52648) must be submitted annually by all PHAs administering Section 8 tenant-based assistance programs. Policies & Procedures 2. Jennifer Cado presented the staff report. program, HUD included in the SEMAP rating system a five-point bonus available to PHAs that score well on a fairly complicated measure of deconcentration.9 SEMAP defines a low-poverty area as an area with lower than average poverty for the geographical area in which the PHA operates. Upon receipt of the PHA's SEMAP certification, HUD will rate the PHA's performance under each SEMAP indicator in accordance with § 985.3. HUD . Indicator #3 . A rating on any of the indicators at §§ 985.3(a) through 985.3(h) will be subject to change after HUD receives the PHA's annual audit report or after HUD conducts a confirmatory review if the audit report or the confirmatory review report contains information that the PHA's SEMAP certification concerning an indicator is not accurate. The importance of proper HQS inspections is critical, according to Evans. HQS Inspections are indicators 5, 6, 11, and 12 of SEMAP and account for roughly one-third of all possible points. HUD informed our agency that we could use 2019 SEMAP scores for the 2021 reporting year (which was High Performer) due to pandemic related delays and we elected to do so. Purpose: To comply with HUD Regulations requiring submittal of SEMAP certification within 60 days of the fiscal year-end. Your overall performance rating is a "High Performer". When the work is done, we'll provide you with a detailed Continued Lease-up Action Plan to support your ongoing leasing efforts. HUD Two-Year Tool. SEMAP, through a four-page questionnaire, provides one way for PHAs to certify their performance to HUD on fourteen indicators. PHAs whose programs demonstrate an increase in deconcentration during the assessment period receive bonus points. Indicator 12 will not be rated initially. 10 PHAs can get five bonus points by Additional SEMAP points are available to PHAs that have jurisdiction in metropolitan FMR areas and that choose to submit with their SEMAP certifications certain data, in a HUD-prescribed format, on the percent of their tenant-based Section 8 families with children who live in, and who have moved during the PHA fiscal year to, low poverty census . RELATED SEMAP INDICATOR - Indicator 11 Pre-contract HQS Inspections - Newly leased units must pass HQS inspection before HAP Contract effective date. Part V: Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). This section states the performance indicators that are used to assess PHA Section 8 management. Correct deficiency in 45 days after HUD notice. SEMAP consists of 14 primary indicators with points assigned to each indicator for a total maximum of 145 points. mum points assigned for this sub-indicator is 4 points. This is based on our self-assessment of SEMAP indicators 1 through 8, which was completed and submitted to HUD on August 6, 2007, and HUD's score . This total includes the points for the deconcentration bonus. PART V: MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT (SEMAP) 16-V.C. For a SEMAP-flavored program control, the certification question might be, "Does the SEMAP profile means a summary prepared by HUD of an PHA's ratings on each SEMAP indicator, its overall SEMAP score, and its overall performance rating (high performer, standard, troubled). SEMAP uses HUD's national database of tenant information and information from audits conducted annually by independent auditors. Each area is HUD's presentation on SEMAP Universe clarification during the Northern California NAHRO Conference, BHA staff is committed to being certain that the Universe for Indicators l, 2, 3, and 6 are determined according to the training, the 2009-10 SEMAP quality control checks and 2. HUD will use the verification method identified for each indicator in reviewing the accuracy of an PHA's annual SEMAP certification.HUD will prepare a SEMAP profile for each PHA and will assign a rating for each indicator as shown. This is a VASH-adjusted estimate. In regular PHA reporting on the form HUD-50058, the HQS lines on the HUD-50058, lines 5h and 5i, are not applicable to project-based vouchers. Our audit tools also give you resources to support SEMAP compliance . Corrected Confirmatory Report. SEMAP certification means the PHA's annual certification to HUD, on the form prescribed by HUD, concerning its performance in key Section 8 program areas. residents, SEMAP helps protect the health of residents through SEMAP's indicators requiring HQS inspections. and 9/30/33 to waive the application of SEMAP in its entirety, if the PHA has SEMAP indicators affected directly or indirectly because of the disruption to PHA operations caused by its adoption of CARES Act waivers; AMPs at least 28 years old are eligible for a 1-point adjustment. 24 CFR 985.3 - Indicators, HUD verification methods and ratings. The Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority SEMAP score for the fiscal year ended 03/3112011 is 96%. Points 5 points - 98-100 percent passed prior to the effective date 0 points - Less than 98 percent passed prior to effective date the electronic submission of the SEMAP certification. For each zero rating, you must send the Department of Housing and Urban Development a written report describing the corrective action taken within 45 calendar SEMAP score of five (5) points; if it has not, it receives a SEMAP rating of 0 points. A. SEMAP scoring for inspections is adjusted to remove all project-based voucher (PBV) units as reflected in PIC from the annual inspection indicator. When factoring in HAP utilization and leasing rates, the Agency would earn partial points under the corresponding SEMAP indicator. The following are your scores on each indicator: Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator __ Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator . be included in the briefing packet in order to receive full points under SEMAP Indicator 7, Expanding Housing Opportunities [24 CFR 985.3(g)]. SEMAP profile means a summary prepared by HUD of an PHA's ratings on each SEMAP indicator, its overall SEMAP score, and its overall performance rating (high performer, standard, troubled). • Maps showing areas with housing opportunities outside areas of poverty or minority concentration, both within its jurisdiction and its neighboring jurisdiction. There are 14 indicators in SEMAP and one bonus indicator. The Greater Dayton Premier Management (GDPM) commissioned Creative Housing Solutions, Inc. (CHS) on November, 24 2004 to evaluate forty-three (43) GDPM public housing developments in Montgomery County, Ohio. GDPM PNA. UNDERSTANDING SEMAP 6 Score: The PHA receives a score of 10 for this indicator if it certifies that it has completed a timely inspection of over 95% of units, 5 points if it has completed a timely inspection of between 90% and 95% of units, and zero points if it has completed a timely inspection of submit a self-certification of SEMAP indicators within 60 days after the end of the YCH fiscal year of June 30, 2018. ection. For most of these indicators, your certification is based on a review of randomly selected files. SEMAP Indicator 7, Expanding Housing Opportunities, applies only to PHAs with jurisdiction 2 Under SEMAP Indicator 7, points are awarded for encouraging participation by owners of units outside areas of poverty or minority concentration, preparing and distributing maps and information packets showing locations of housing opportunities outside areas of poverty or minority concentration, providing an explanation HUD will then prepare a SEMAP profile for each PHA which shows the rating for each indicator, sums the indicator ratings, and divides by the total possible points to arrive at an PHA's overall SEMAP score. Issues: HACLA projects an overall score of 145 out of 145 points for FY 2018, which at 100% equates to a "High Performer" designation. SEMAP INDICATORS [24 CFR 985.3 and form HUD-52648] The table below lists each of the SEMAP indicators, contains a description of each indicator, and explains the basis for points awarded under each indicator. INDICATOR Actual 2000 Actual 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual . Scores below 90 but above 60 are designated as a standard performer. Indicators 9-13 are reports based on data transmitted and accepted by HUD. [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999] Scores of 90 points or above result in a high performer designation. HUD/REAC (Real Estate Assessment Center) publishes the PHAS scores after any appeals by the PHA are addressed. Each of the 15 indicators will be reviewed systematically each year for each housing agency. Once approved by the Housing Commission, the attached . [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999] Remember, your PHA submits a certification to HUD covering the first eight SEMAP indicators. Collect Samples and Perform Quality Control on The SEMAP certification is a combination of Indicators where BHA conducts random quality control checks and provides the data (Indicators 1 - 8 and the deconcentration of povery "bonus") and 4 Indicators that HUD scores based on data In the "PIC" system, Including information on Alternate Options: 4/1/2016 ©2015 The Nelrod Company, Fort Worth, Texas 76109 3 SEMAP Success FileSense System • Regulation and point explanations • Document universe, sampling methodology, sampling size and QC results • Forms, logs, policies, procedures, QC results 7 Based on 5 Steps 1. Part VI: RecordKeeping- . SEMAP deficiency means any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP performance indicator. included in the briefing packet in order to receive full points under SEMAP Indicator 7, Expanding Housing Opportunities [24 CFR 985.3(g)]. HUD will use the verification method identified for each indicator in reviewing the accuracy of an PHA's annual SEMAP certification. Can you please provide the SEMAP universe numbers/volume for Indicators 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 from last year's SEMAP testing? McCright's systems are designed to help you achieve full compliance with all of these indicators. SEMAP deficiency means any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP performance indicator. SEMAP reflects program deconcentration requirements and identifies how PHA performance to promote these objectives will be assessed. [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999] This class will cover the essential components of SEMAP as they relate to Housing Authorities , including the SEMAP Indicators, those scored electronically, self-certified, and the lease-up indicator. SEMAP deficiency means any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP performance indicator. Annual HQS Inspections wNote! The following lists the indicators and the maximum available points along with a comparison of the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO)'s FY 2017and current FY 2018 scores: Max SEMAP Profile List Bobbie Jarrett Field Office: (M93785) O Get Help Reports Submission Page 1 of 1 Logoff I Return to Secure Systems Profile Comments Current Ratin 15 20 20 10 10 10 15 8/14/2019 Certification Summary 41PH LOUISVILLE HUB OFFICE Housing Agency: KY012 Henderson PIC Main PHA Fiscal Year End: 3/31/2019 SEMAp Profile Logoff There are 14 indicators in SEMAP and one bonus indicator. SEMAP consists of 14 primary indicators with points assigned to each indicator for a maximum of 145 points. w MTCS Tenant Rent Discrepancy Report gives list of families with rent discrepancies. 6 U.S. Dep't of Hous. The Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority SEMAP score for the fiscal year ended 03/3112011 is 96%. have the options of continuing to report under SEMAP or determining another benchmark in FY09 and future years. The more a housing agency encourages families to take advantage of metropolitan housing opportunities or opportunities to move out of high-poverty areas, the higher the points the agency could earn on the SEMAP indicator. "If you lose all of the points in HQS, it's impossible to be a High Performer. [63 FR 48555, Sept. 10, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 40497, July 26, 1999] If your PHA scores below 60 in any one Indicator, you will be as. Any rating of 0 points on a SEMAP profile for each PHA this Indicator covers calculation annual! 140 points out of the 140 points out of the YCH fiscal year.... The YCH fiscal year of June 30, 2018 Indicator: Indicator Indicator Indicator... Includes the points for the Indicator relies on data in a 1-point adjustment and... 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